Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers at Viles & Beckman provide information you need to know after you’ve been in an accident within a construction zone. Read on to learn more about the risks and legal actions we can help you take.
What Are the Risks of a Construction Accident?
Driving through an active road construction site carries unique risks that can increase the likelihood and severity of an accident. Some key risks to be aware of include:
- Unexpected hazards: Construction work leaves behind temporary hazards like loose gravel, unprotected drop-offs, shifted barricades, or equipment in travel lanes. These pose sudden risks.
- Congested work zones: Narrower lanes, lowered speed limits, and merging traffic through coned areas can congest work zones and increase rear-end and sideswipe collision risks.
- Inattentive drivers: Distracted driving is common in construction areas as motorists strain to see flaggers, equipment movements, and changing road conditions.
- Equipment crossings: Large construction vehicles and equipment often cross designated traffic lanes for materials and may not see oncoming vehicles. Blind spots are a collision risk.
- Limited visibility: Stored materials, shadowed areas, glare from barriers, dust, or premature sunset in late fall all challenge motorists’ visibility within work sites.
- Unexpected delays: Closures, stopped traffic, flagging operations, and utility work can unexpectedly slow or stop traffic flows in active construction areas. Rear impacts are more likely.

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Why Should You Choose Viles & Beckman for Your Construction Site Car Accident Case?
In Florida, there are several legal offices to choose from; however, if you want to get justice and maximum compensation, our team is the right choice. Here are a few things that make our car accident attorneys in Fort Myers stand out from other Florida personal injury law firms:
Over 40 Years of Experience
With over four decades of legal experience focused on personal injury cases, our Fort Myers car accident lawyers have seen almost every type of collision scenario and injury claim. Our experience allows us to understand exactly how to build a strong case for maximum compensation.
Our knowledge of local judges and insurance company tactics is unmatched. You can trust our team to utilize all of the experience we’ve honed over many years of fighting for injured clients to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
Our longevity also provides valuable longstanding relationships with medical experts, private investigators, and other legal professionals around Southwest Florida who can assist with your claim. We know which doctors to recommend for documenting injuries and which experts can support the cause of any dispute regarding the accident circumstances. This large professional network is another advantage that experience has brought to help us obtain full and fair resolutions.
Our Representation Is Free Unless We Win
If you have been injured in a car accident in the Fort Myers area, you deserve compensation for your damages without risking out-of-pocket legal fees. That is why we represent clients on a contingency basis, which means we only get paid if a settlement or verdict is awarded in your favor. You pay no Fort Myers car accident attorney fees or costs whatsoever unless we successfully resolve your case.
This payment model allows accident victims to obtain strong counsel without burdening their recovery. We are driven to achieve the best settlement or trial outcome because our firm only gets compensated from money recovered for our clients. You can rely on us to aggressively pursue the maximum amount justified by your injuries and losses from any at-fault party.
There Could Be Multiple Parties Liable For Your Injuries and Damages
There are several parties that are around the perimeter of a construction zone. This means that any party could hold some responsibility for your injuries. The most common parties accountable for car accidents at construction sites are:
Drivers and Vehicles Involved
The drivers of any vehicles directly colliding or contributing to an accident in a construction zone will commonly share a portion of the liability. Their negligence through actions like speeding, distraction, or failure to follow traffic directives could prove partly at fault. Equipment operators are also responsible if construction machinery is involved, such as not properly securing a load or maintaining safe vehicle operation.
Other motorists may face liability determination as well if their choices, such as reckless maneuvers, led to the chain of events causing an accident. Pedestrians or bystanders should not be present in closed work areas and could be considered at fault for interfering with traffic flows.
Construction and Project Personnel
The construction company itself, as well as any subcontracted workers or staff from related companies, could also hold liability for your injuries. The fault may stem from improperly designed or executed traffic control plans, overlooking safety hazards, or employees neglecting mandated protocols.
Construction project managers and staff could face scrutiny of their traffic management responsibilities, too. Claims of faulty work zone setup, insufficient signage or barricades, and failure to promptly address emerging issues are commonly levied against responsible construction parties in injury suits.
Governmental and Regulatory Bodies
Transportation or highway departments tasked with overseeing construction work bear liability risk. Adequate design and approval of safety configurations, plus ongoing enforcement of requirements, are expected duties. If compromised, these agencies become liable for your injuries.
Similarly, utility crews working on public infrastructure must adhere to traffic management guidelines. Leaving unmarked openings like trenches or scattered equipment in travel lanes increases liability risk.
How Long Do You Have to File After You Get Into a Car Accident in a Construction Zone?
According to Fla. Stat. § 95.11, you have two years from the accident date to file your personal injury claim after you’ve been hit in a construction zone. You’ll want to file your claim as soon as you can so you don’t miss out on any compensation.
Our car accident lawyer in Fort Myers can help you file your claim on time. We’ll review your claim and the details of your accident and determine exactly how long you have. In situations where the liable parties aren’t cooperating, you might have longer to file, but if you’re suing a government agency, your deadline could be as short as six months.
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Learn More About Car Accidents in Construction Zones
At Viles & Beckman, our team of car accident attorneys in Fort Myers cares about winning you the compensation you need. We can help you through the legal process to make sure you meet all the deadlines.
Contact us to learn more about car accidents in construction zones and how our team can help.
Call or text (239) 334-3933 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form