Did you get hurt after experiencing whiplash that caused injuries to your neck? At Viles & Beckman, we understand how painful injuries like these can be, especially because they impact your head and spinal cord.
While we can’t reverse time or undo the damage that was done, a Fort Myers whiplash and neck injury lawyer from our firm can help you seek justice in your case. With a Fort Myers personal injury lawyer by your side, you won’t feel all alone in the aftermath of your injuries.
With over 40 years of combined experience, we have recovered more than $100 million for our clients since 1995. We’re here to advocate for you and help you pursue compensation in your case.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Whiplash and Neck Injuries
Whiplash and or neck injuries occur when the head snaps forward and back in a whip-like motion. This sudden movement can cause major damage to the muscles, tendons, and soft tissue in your neck.
You could still experience after-effects of whiplash months after the incident that caused them, and severe whiplash injuries can even last a lifetime. The following are common signs and symptoms of whiplash and neck injuries:
- Headaches at the base of the skull that radiate toward the forehead
- Pain or stiffness when moving your head side to side or back and forth
- Decreased range of motion or tightness around the neck
- General tenderness in and around the neck
- Fatigue or dizziness
- Ringing in the ears
- Memory problems or difficulty concentrating
- Trouble sleeping
- Tightness or spasms in the muscles in the neck and upper back
- Prolonged weakness and numbness in the arms and legs
- Difficulty swallowing or chewing food
- Blurred vision
- Tingling or numbness in the arms
- Signs or symptoms of depression and mood swings
If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to reach out to medical professionals for assistance as soon as possible. Not only will they provide you with proper treatment and care, but this also means your condition will be documented.
These medical records will help you when it comes time to file your personal injury claim. Your Fort Myers whiplash and neck injury attorney may request this information when building a case on your behalf.
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Compensation That May be Available to You as the Victim of Whiplash and Neck Injuries
If you have been diagnosed with whiplash or a neck injury, you may be entitled to receive compensation for the injuries that you sustained. When your whiplash and neck injury lawyer in Fort Myers files your claim, you might be eligible to pursue compensation for the following:
- Medical bills, hospital visits, prescription medication, and physical therapy
- Wages you missed out on due to taking time away from work
- Any pain and suffering you suffered
- Property damage to your vehicle
- Any other losses that you have had to endure
How Insurance Companies Might Try to Minimize Your Neck Injury and Whiplash Claims
Whiplash often results in symptoms that the naked eye cannot see. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for insurance companies to look for ways to pay you as little as possible for your whiplash and neck injuries.
After all, insurers work for a company, and minimizing the amount of money they have to spend on personal injury settlements is part of their jobs. However, whiplash and neck injury lawyers in Fort Myers can argue against insurers if they extend settlement offers for less than you deserve.
As soon as you contact a Fort Myers whiplash and neck injury attorney, your legal counsel can review insurance companies’ settlement offers and advise you as to whether or not their offers are fair. In the meantime, don’t speak to insurers without legal representation.
Long-Term Effects of Whiplash and Neck Injuries
While some cases of whiplash heal within a few weeks, others can result in chronic pain and ongoing complications. Persistent neck pain, muscle stiffness, and persistent migraines can impact your daily life, not to mention make simple tasks far more difficult.
Some people are at a greater risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or chronic fatigue due to their injuries as well. Ongoing medical treatments—including physical therapy, chiropractic care, or surgical procedures—may be necessary for severe cases.
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Reach Out to Our Fort Myers Whiplash and Neck Injury Law Firm As Soon As Possible
Once you have received medical treatment for your injuries, it’s time to contact a whiplash and neck injury attorney in Fort Myers who can help you through the legal process. The claims process can be hard to figure out alone, but you don’t have to do it all by yourself.
Instead, call us at your earliest convenience to learn more about our firm and what our attorneys can do for you. We get results, and you pay nothing unless we win. We’re here to pursue a favorable outcome in case while advocating for you and protecting your rights.
Call or text (239) 334-3933 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form