If you’re dealing with financial and physical losses after a car accident, you’re under no obligation to hold a liable party accountable on your own. You can contact a Bonita Springs car accident attorney and schedule a case consultation, instead. Viles & Beckman, LLC, can represent you as you recover.
Bonita Springs Attorneys Represent Your Best Interests
It’s not easy to contend with the complexities of civil law. Without the proper experience, the legislation surrounding your most recent car accident may seem nebulous at best. What’s more, standing up for yourself in the face of a belligerent or avoidant defendant may make your case seem like it’s more effort than it’s worth.
You’re not obligated to put up with a liable party’s misbehavior or even research the law yourself. You can instead turn to a car accident attorney in Bonita Springs, FL. Our team wants to give you the means to recover from your accident without contending with undue stress. That’s why we can spearhead a car accident lawsuit on your behalf.
Our representation can take you to court or lead you through settlement negotiations, depending on your preference. You can also count on us to keep you up-to-date as your case progresses and to do the bulk of the footwork while building your initial complaint.
Initial Car Accident Case Consultations Are 100 Percent for You
Our team understands that the legalities of your car accident aren’t always straightforward. That’s why we offer free case consultations to survivors of recent car accidents. During these consultations, you can ask our team any questions you may have about your right to move forward with a car accident complaint.
We take time to address these questions with care, detailing the average personal injury settlement to the suspected length of your car accident case. We can also detail what options you have available to you as you determine how you want to approach your case.
In the wake of a car accident, there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Come to your free case consultation and have a car accident attorney in Bonita Springs, FL, explain how you can pursue your right to financial support within the letter of the law.
Expect More, Receive More: Legal Support That Feels Like Family
Florida’s Car Accident Statute of Limitations
You have more time than you might suspect to file a car accident claim. Florida Statutes § 95.11 allows you to take up to four years to act on your losses. Try to file your complaint outside of that timeline, however, and Florida courts have the right to turn your case away.
What to Do In Your Four Years of Actionable Time
Four years may seem like a considerable amount of time, but you have to use them well. In four years or less, you need to bring together a car accident claim that elaborates on:
- The identity of the person liable for your car accident
- The nature of the injuries a negligent party caused
- The value of those injuries
- Evidence of negligence, a particular party’s involvement, and the value of your losses
While you may have the chance to elaborate on this information in front of a judge, including the bulk of it in your complaint may make it easier for your case to move forward when it reaches a county clerk’s desk.
Gather Evidence of Roadway Negligence
As mentioned, drivers owe one another care on the road. This duty of care applies to more than drivers, however. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, and truck drivers are all expected to uphold a duty of care and act reasonably around you on the road. Parties that refuse to act reasonably can be held responsible for your accident.
You must, however, present evidence of that negligence if you want to bring a civil claim against another party after a car accident. Car accident evidence can include footage of the alleged negligence or bystander testimonies. Expert witnesses can also weigh in regarding the nature of your accident and your related injuries.
You are not responsible for wrangling this evidence, though if you can gather some of the scene of the accident, your case may be easier. It’s part of a Bonita Springs car accident attorney’s job to bring together the evidence needed to establish your case in a civil complaint.
Estimate Your Car Accident Losses
As mentioned, there are various parties that you can hold liable for your accident. You need to know how much financial support you want to request from these parties, though, when you are first building your complaint. With a case estimate on hand, you can more easily navigate the filing process and even go into settlement negotiations with more confidence.
To estimate the value of your case, you should start by establishing the value of your economic car accident losses. These can include the following losses:
- Medical expenses related to post-accident care
- The replacement and/or repairing of damaged property
- Wages lost while you had to take off time to recover
- At-home assistance
Once you have the sum of your bills calculated, our team can modify that total. We do this using multipliers that stand in for non-economic, or non-bill generating, losses. These can range from the emotional distress of your car accident to wrongful death, should a case turn tragic.
Viles & Beckman Advocate for Car Accident Survivors
You deserve time to recover from your car accident. If you’re a home’s primary caretaker, though, taking time away from work to recover can leave you contending with a mountain of unexpected bills. Don’t let someone else’s negligence on the road upend your financial planning. Let a car accident lawyer in Bonita Springs step up on your behalf, instead.
Viles & Beckman, LLC, brings considerable legal experience to your personal injury case. You can meet with our representatives to discuss what information you need on hand to bring your car accident complaint forward. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a case evaluation to benefit from compassionate professional care.
Call or text (239) 334-3933 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form