Our car accident lawyers in Fort Myers at Viles & Beckman explain the roles different car insurances have in your case after you’ve been in an accident. Read on to learn more about how your insurance will affect the outcome of your case.
What Types of Car Insurance Are Relevant to a Car Accident Lawsuit?
In Florida, the Department of Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, you are required to have at least $10,000 in Property Damage Liability insurance and Personal Injury Protection coverage. In addition, if another driver doesn’t have enough or any insurance, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage could come into play. Here’s what you should know about each of these insurance types:
Property Damage Liability
If the at-fault driver caused an accident that damaged your car, their Property Damage Liability insurance is triggered to pay for repairs through their insurer. This coverage will reimburse the costs to restore your vehicle to its pre-accident condition, such as bodywork, paint, parts replacement, and mechanical fixes.
It’s important to document all damage thoroughly through photographs and repair estimates. Our attorneys will work directly with the insurance company to ensure the full scope of repairs is addressed and you receive a settlement adequate to pay the complete vehicle repair bill. Property damage coverage provides important protection for motorists.
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage
Not only does Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist (UM) insurance fill the gap for bodily injury claims if the at-fault motorist does not carry sufficient liability protection, but it can also supplement other damages their policy fails to cover. Examples include property damage to your vehicle, rental car reimbursement if your car is in the shop for an extended time, and lost wages or bills if injuries prevent you from working.
We advise reviewing your UM limits to understand the full insurance safety net it provides. These optional higher limits may apply in certain accidents where the negligent party has very low liability coverage. Yet, significant monetary losses were incurred due to their careless behavior on the roadways.
Personal Injury Protection Coverage
As Florida maintains a no-fault system, Personal Injury Protection or PIP coverage activates immediately on your auto policy to pay for medical treatment, rehabilitation costs, and lost income up to $10,000 without regard to accident responsibility. This helps provide care and financial support during recovery from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle crash.
Our Fort Myers car accident attorney ensures the PIP benefits process smoothly by helping gather the required medical records and expense documentation. If there are coverage gaps or provider billing issues, we intervene on your behalf to maximize the protection afforded. Understanding how to leverage PIP is important in Florida’s unique no-fault insurance environment.
Florida PIP Also Covers Other Essential Expenses
In addition to medical bills and lost wages, PIP handles certain other costs associated with an accident, such as chiropractic care, physical therapy appointments, and equipment rental during recuperation. It may even cover transportation if injuries prevent a person from driving themselves.
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How Will the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Be Involved?
The at-fault driver’s insurance company will be notified of the accident and begin their investigation. They will review law enforcement and medical reports as well as solicit statements from their policyholder. Their goal is to gather enough evidence to evaluate the claim and make a settlement offer if liability is clear.
However, insurance providers have a financial incentive to settle for the lowest amount possible. This is why it can be beneficial to have a lawyer from our team negotiate with them to ensure you receive adequate compensation for all the damages you incurred.
While Florida has a no-fault automobile insurance system, you can still hold the at-fault driver accountable through a legal claim if the injuries meet the statutory threshold for a lawsuit. A recent change to Florida’s laws moved from a pure comparative negligence system to modified comparative negligence, which allows recovery as long as you are less than 50% at fault for the accident.
If liability is disputed or high-value injuries are involved, the lawyer may also need to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. The policy limits purchased by or on behalf of the at-fault driver establish the maximum amount of coverage available for claims arising from the accident. A lawyer will work to determine the policy limits and make sure all available insurance benefits are offered.
How Can a Car Accident Lawyer From Viles & Beckman Help You?
Dealing with insurance companies after a crash can be confusing, especially with Florida’s complex no-fault laws. As experienced car accident attorneys, we can clearly explain how different policies interact and what steps you need to take. We understand Florida’s insurance regulations inside and out from years of handling similar cases.
We will assess your situation to detail exactly which coverage types apply, what benefits you qualify for, and the claim process. We can answer all of your questions in straightforward terms so you aren’t left trying to interpret legalese on your own. Having our experience on your side provides peace of mind during an already stressful situation.
In addition to clarifying insurance intricacies, we ensure you are receiving your full lawful entitlements in a timely manner. We will review all applicable policies for your case, audit expenses, monitor deadlines, and interface directly with carriers on your behalf.
We’re Ready to Get You the Compensation You Need
If claims are denied in error, we will appeal and apply proper pressure to overturn wrongful rejections of benefits. With our experience managing insurance aspects, you don’t have to second-guess procedures or ponder the next steps. Our involvement means your rights are protected.
Maximizing insurance further requires getting the policy limits and terms in writing upfront. We employ proven tactics during negotiations to compensate for the accident’s harm while negotiating the best possible payouts.
We leverage litigation experience if mediation fails to achieve damages reflecting the current value of your suffering. In the end, comprehensive guidance from our legal counsel delivers assurance you are making the most of the policies designed to aid injured motorists.
Learn More About the Role Car Insurance Plays in a Car Accident Lawsuit
At Viles & Beckman, our team of car accident attorneys in Fort Myers can help you understand what effects your insurance and other parties’ insurance will have on your lawsuit. We offer a free case consultation, so you can ask us any questions you have.
Contact us to learn more about the role of car insurance in a car accident lawsuit.
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